Lilypie Second Birthday tickers  BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, July 24, 2009

Gotta go fast!

I know I am getting worse at blogging, but things have gotten very very hectic! My easy baby girl has gotten very demanding! She has very bad reflux so we are having to be more carful with feedings. She is almost smiling... she does this little half smile, but she won't fully do it yet! I think she is trying to drive me crazy! She is holding her head up pretty well and now we are working on doing pushups! This morning I put her in her Bumbo chair this morning. Isn't she cute!

Evelyn no longer sleeps through the night either! GRR! She is waking up to feed every 2 hours until about 5am. At 5am she usually does down for a long stretch until about 9:30 or 10am. So that is when I get my sleep!

There have been quite a few changes in our lives as well. Joey got a new job which means he will be able to be home in the evenings, weekends and holidays. This is so great for our family because he will be able to be around for Evelyn more. We are so excited for Joey to start his new job! A few days after he got word that he got the job, I lost mine. I didn't have anyone who could watch Evie full time and I told my boss that I could work a few hours a week until I found someone. I said I was thinking it would take a few weeks, but then I was told they would have to find someone to fill my position. So now I am unemployed!

Things are so crazy right now! I am trying to get this house in order so that I can relax a little. I think I am going to get someone to watch Evelyn next Saturday so that I can spend the day overhauling the house. We'll see if it happens!

So we shall see what the future holds for us. When I hold my precious angel, I can't help but know that everything will work out. She is a true sign that God answers prayers!

Evelyn's 6 weeks pictures...

Random Cuteness!

Joey brushing her hair straight up!!!

Here is a link for a few more pics! I am going to try to keep updating that album!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our first month!

So today Evelyn is one month old. I can't believe how much I love this little girl! It has been an exciting and scary month, but I couldn't have asked for more. Here are a few of the high points and not to high points of the last month.

Evelyn was born on June 2nd, but I was not able to leave the hospital until June 5th. That morning Joey and I woke up and started getting ready to leave the hospital and begin our new life as parents. We were so excited and TERRIFIED! The whole ride home I just stared at my angel in complete awe at what a blessed gift God had given us. I couldn't believe how much she was calmed by my voice. Here I was so nervous about being a mother and this fragile little thing trusted me completely.

My cousin, Denicia, stayed with us for a few days to help out. It was a learning experience! The first night Joey and I worked diligently making sure our bedroom was stocked with everything we would need to care for our little one. I'm not sure if we truly thought we wouldn't be able to walk to her bedroom if we needed anything or if we thought there would be an emergency situation where running to her bedroom and back would just take too much time, but we had enough supplies to last for days! We just looked at each other and laughed because we knew we were making a memory that would warm our hearts in the coming years!

So everything was going well. Although I was breastfeeding, we had to supplement with formula and she happily accepted it! I love watching Joey take care of our little girl. They had a special bond right from the start. I can't wait to see how their relationship grows and I just know he will be her hero. All little girls hold a special place in their hearts for their daddy!

A few days home and I started to feel a little off. As you can see by the picture I am little glassy eyed! Well I started to feel warm and when I took my temp it was 100.6. I played it off as nothing, but Joey wasn't convinced. He made me take my temp every few hours all night and it eventually got up to 102.5! The next evening I called the doctor (yes it took me that long to do anything about it - one of my many flaws that drives Joey nuts!) and he told me to go straight to the ER. We spent a few hours in the ER and had to go to my Dr the next morning and the outcome was a uterine infection. So I had to start a course of antibiotics, but it seemed to clear up pretty quickly.

Evelyn also had her first checkup. When she come home from the hospital she continued to lose weight which concerned her dr so we had to start supplementing with formula. Breastfeeding was already a challenge, but when we had to add more formula it got more difficult. We are still working on it and hopefully I will be able to continue to breastfeed. When she went back to the doctor at 4 weeks old, she was 20.5" and was up to 8lbs! When she was born she was 19.5" and 6lbs 14 oz and then she dropped to 6 lbs 4oz. She is our little miracle and I am enjoying watching her grow and learn!

Now that we are at our first milestone of 1 month I cannot tell you how blessed I feel. When my OBGYN was giving us the paperwork to be induced I couldn't help, but look over to a small waiting area in the office. It was a year ago almost to the day that I was sitting in the chair being told by a fertility specialist that our only hope of ever having a child would be IVF and I left in tears, completely heartbroken. This day I was leaving the office in tears because I was so excited to meet my little girl and my heart was overfilling with love. This past year was an incredible journey and I am ashamed to say my faith in God was tested, but God also gave me an amazing gift and I learned so much. I can honestly say that I understand what it means to hand things over to God and let Him take care of you. Looking back, the events leading up to the hurricane until I found out I was pregnant were the most amazing and reassuring, but I will explain another day. That is for another blog!

So happy 1 month birthday to Evie and here are so pics of my little angel's first month!