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Friday, September 4, 2009

Tooth Fairy here we come!

My baby girl is now 3 months old and is no longer considered a newborn. She is now an infant. I spent a couple of hours the other day going through her clothes and putting up the ones that no longer fit her and, yes, I did it in tears! I can't believe how much she has changed and how fast it has happened. In a blink of an eye she is turning into her own little person! YIKES! Well the newest occurrence was a bit of a shock and was very sad to me!

Last Sunday we went to church with my grandparents in Sweeny. It was my grandmama's birthday and we thought we would spend some time with her. The week before Evelyn was so good during church services and we thought we would give her another change. So we are sitting in church and singing (which Evelyn loves!) and she start to get fussy. Joey gives her the pacifier and she spits it out so he gives it to her again and again she spits it out. I look over and she is so desperate to get that pacifier that she is just shoving the closest thing in her mouth which was the burp cloth. I started to get irritated at Joey for not making sure she was able to keep her pacifier, but then we I started to really look at her I noticed something. She was intentionally spitting out the pacifier and she wasn't sucking on the burp cloth, she was rubbing her gums on it. My brain immediately runs through everything I read about teething. It was too soon. She wasn't even 3 full months yet! Joey tells me he is going to take her out to the foyer and calm her down. I was only half listening because I was still thinking, but I gave him a little nod and he left. Then I realized I still had her blanket and it is very cold in that church. So I go out to the foyer and I see Evelyn sitting on Joey's lap with his finger in her mouth. He sees me and says "guess what?" My eyes got huge and all I could say was "NO!" (If you are a FRIENDS fan then I would describe the moment like when Ross goes to the B&B with Emily and calls the next day and Rachael hears it for the first time. If you aren't a FRIENDS fan then disregard!) So of course I run to her and feel her gums. Sure enough she has a little sharp bump in the front and as soon as I touche it, Evelyn clamped down and started rubbing her gums on me. I was in complete shock and yes I started crying (I do that a lot!) I told Joey it was impossible! I started teething at 7 months. I made him text his mom to see when he started to teeth and you guessed it... 3 months! My baby girl is getting her first tooth. Now I know it could take a while for it to actually pop out, but still, it is on it's way and all I can do it just hang on for the ride!
So now I am going to leave you with some more pictures of my baby girl who will be my big girl all too soon! (I guess I was wrong on my last blog... Evelyn did sleep long enough for me to write two in one day! WOW!)

Been a long time!

I have not blogged in such a long time! I think I may have forgotten how to do it! At the very least I may not get is finished before Evelyn wakes up, but I'll try.

The main reason I have not blogged is because Evelyn won't let me! For the last 4 weeks she has refused to nap. She will gladly go to bed and when she wakes up in the middle of the night she puts her self back to sleep, but she wouldn't nap. It was the hardest thing to see her eyes swollen and red, her crying and cranky, but fighting sleep all day long! I finally decided to start getting her to sleep by letting her fall asleep on my tummy and then putting her in bed. So far so good (it's only been 3 days). That is how we got her to sleep through the night. First we let her sleep on us all night so that she got use to sleeping that long and then we started putting her in her crib and voila! I know that is hardly the "recommended" way to do it, but it works for her (I hope).

She is such a different little girl now! She loves to smile and giggle, but only if SHE wants to! She has such a personality. Lately she has started letting her tongue hang out of her mouth like a puppy, but she knows the camera because every time I get it to take a picture she puts that tongue back in her mouth and glares at me! I guess she hates camera like her mama! Another thing she has started doing is crossing her eyes. Every time she gets a bottle or sucks on her pacifier she wants to stare at it and thus crossing her eyes. She is so cute!

I caught a glimpse of her tongue as she was trying to put it back in! She is sneaky, but sometimes mommy is sneakier!

Her reflux is getting so much better, too. She still spits up, but it no longer hurts her and it isn't as often. The trick has been adding cereal to every feeding. There was a good things and a 'difficult' thing about that. Since she was born I have been trying to exclusively breastfeed without success. I just never made enough and I did not have the time or help to try to build a supply. With the cereal I don't have to make as much because it fills her up longer. So the difficult part is that I have become an exclusive pumper. That means I am having to pump constantly so that I can give her breast milk in a bottle. That is very time consuming, but the great thing is that she is only on breast milk now (except for 1/2-1oz. of formula she gets before bed). It was so important for me to be able to give my child breast milk and now it is happening. The even better part is that I am building my supply back up and the doctor said that once she grows out of the reflux I should be able to nurse her on my own AND since I still nurse her sometimes I can see that having the bottle has not affected her ability to nurse! YEAH!

I just can't believe how much I love this little girl! I am so blessed to be able to spend my days with her. We are still trying to figure out the me not working thing. I was going to see about being a substitute for a while to make extra money, but the women who was going to watch Evelyn gave me a call and said she couldn't do it right now. So that means I can't work right now, but I am trying to just hand it over to God and not worry about it. I always wanted to be able to stay home with my child and even though financially it isn't the best time, I have to just enjoy my time with her.

I'm going to try to write another blog today about the most recent even in Evelyn's life, but if I don't get a chance, I will tomorrow.