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Monday, March 15, 2010

9 Months and Working

Well I tried to be better about blogging, but too much is going on. Let's just start with Evelyn's 9 month appointment. I can't believe she is already 9 months old! She is still tiny, but such a big girl! Her weight at her appointment was 16lb 3oz. It was the end of the day and she had just eaten a pretty big mean, but I will take it! Her height was 26". She is just not going to be tall. I guess with her genes she had no hope! ha! The doctor was so impressed with how calm she is. She is so curious and just tries to figure out everything. She has 5 teeth now and she walks while holding on to our hands. She still won't crawl on her hands and knees but she is pretty fast crawling on her belly. I've seen her play patty cake, but only once. My aunt (who watches her during the day) says she does it all the time. She also likes to stick out her tongue at you. I love my little monkey!
Can you read her shirt?

My precious angel!

And now for the hard stuff. I went back to work the middle of January. I started back the the tax office I used to work at. I loved being at home with Evelyn, but we just couldn't afford it. I knew I would have a hard time going back to the tax office, but that was my only option at the time so here i am. We are having a pretty hard time because of my schedule. Since it is tax season I have to go in at 7 in the morning. That means I have to get Evelyn up at 5:45 so we can leave by 6:20 and I can take her to the sitter and get to work. I've been trying to stay til 6 every night so that I can get caught up so that means I get home at 6:15 and then she gets a bath at 6:45 and is in bed by 7. So if you do the math, I get about half and hour with her a day. It is killing me. One of the reasons I don't blog anymore is because I really don't have any updates. I get stories second hand. I have to have my aunt tell me what foods Evelyn likes because I really don't even know that. I've also had to start working Saturdays too so we don't even get a full weekend. I am missing so much and it just breaks my heart and it makes it hard to acknowledge what I am missing. I don't mean to just complain. I have a lot to be thankful, but it is hard to go from being with your child all the time to being with her so little that you don't even know her likes and dislikes anymore. I use to have sure fire tricks to make her happy, but now i have nothing.

And to make things even better... Evelyn has been sick AGAIN! She had RSV about a month ago and now she has another respiratory virus (NOT RSV). She is starting to feel better, but now i am sick! I know that everyone has been waiting for me to blog, but trust me when I say if I would have been blogging this whole time then they wouldn't have been very happy ones. Joey keeps telling me that it would be like this forever and I do believe him, but once it passes and I am able to spend a decent amount of time with Evelyn, I will have missed so much and won't ever be able to get it back. That is a very VERY hard reality.