Lilypie Second Birthday tickers  BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Exciting news

Well my mom started giving me my three shots. Im still take the 225 iu of the Follistim, but now we have added the other two. I went in for my second u/s on Monday and it looked good. I have 6 follicles on both sides ranging from 6-11mm. We want them to end up being 20-22mm before we induce ovulation. So we continued the injections and today I went in for another u/s and then we got a little shock. I now have 11 folicles on my right side and 7 on my left... count it... that is 18! Well most of them are under 10mm so they may just be insignificant, but I actually have one that is 16mm! That is almost the size we want! WOO-HOO! I have to go back tomorrow morning to keep on eye on the larger cysts. I may get to trigger sooner than I thought!


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