I'm going to try to make this a short blog because it's late and Joey wants to go to bed, but I wanted to remember this feeling. Today my niece Hannah was born. She weighed 6lbs 13.5 oz and was 19" long-Almost exactly like Evelyn (she was 6lbs 14oz 19.5") I held her and she was so light! Evelyn is 13lbs now so to be it was a big difference. My other niece Alyssa was born 2 weeks ago at 32 weeks gestation (she is doing well, but, please, keep her in your prayers). So all the babies have been born. When I was holding Hannah it hit me. Today is October 17th and it was exactly one year ago today that I found out I was pregnant. I remember taking that test first thing in the morning and being so happy I literally jumped up and down! And it was exactly one year and 1 day ago that I thought I would never have a child. I remember praying and praying and feeling that maybe I would be a bad mother. I thought maybe God was telling me that I shouldn't be a mother. I remember the moment I gave it all to God. I was alone at home and hysterically crying and praying. I told God I was ready to let it go and trust that He would take care of me. It was roughly a month later that I found myself looking at those 2 lines on the test. It has been an amazing journey and so much has changed in the last year. God has blessed us in so many ways. Now that we are having a difficult time I find myself filled with fear and worry, but then I look at my beautiful daughter and I know God is with me and that all I have to do it give it to Him. God answers prayers. I just thought I would share.
SHe is so tiny and cute! James turned two months yesturday and he is over 13lbs. Looking at the pictures of Evelyn, she looks the same size as him :)
-Lindsey Samford
Agreed! I remember talking to you when I first started working with you and learning we both had PCOS ... I told you that for some reason all the lovely ladies that had been around me had been coming up pregnant (as in I went to over 15 babyshowers that year) & not to worry because within 3 months of working with me, you'd be prego & then low & behold ~ almost 3 months to the date you told me you were pregnant. I was sooo excited for you & not just because of how much I know you wanted this ... but because it gives me hope for my future hopes of having children too ... much, MUCH love Courtney. You are a wonderful mom, just like God & everyone else KNEW you'd be - Don't EVER doubt yourself!
<3 Jamie
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