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Sunday, March 1, 2009

I had a good reason!

Ok well I haven't updated anyone on what has been going on, but I have a good reason! This has just been an awful AWFUL week! It started last weekend. I was so ready to start getting the baby's room ready and Joey was off the whole weekend! (That hardly EVER happens) Well things didn't go as planned and I ended up feeling terrible. All I could do on Sunday was lay around and try to get some rest. The worse part was Joey was leaving that night to start training at another store. He wasn't going to come back until Friday night. I cried and cried. Joey and I have been together for seven years and we have never been away from each other that long. I decided to go ahead and work late Monday so I wouldn't have to be home alone. Tuesday is my normal day to work late during tax so that was two days working late. Well then I started getting sick again. Things are just too hectic during tax season and we are short staffed right now so that made it worse. I was worried I was hurting the baby by doing so much, but I didn't know how much better it would be with me at home crying all night. When Joey got home I was so happy, but then I ended up having to work on Saturday too so basically the 6 day workweek has completely worn by body out!

On to good things. So I said Joey was supposed to come home on Friday. Well on Thursday I was going back to work after my lunch break and I saw a black Civic with a driver that looked alot like Joey driving into Hillcrest. I didn't get a good look at the guy so I just thought it was some random guy. About 4pm Joey still hadn't called me and he was suppoed to get off at 2! I was getting worried since he wouldn;t answer his phone! At 5 I went ahead and left work since I still hadn't heard from Joey and by then I was really worried! Well imagine my surprise when I pulled in my driveway and saw Joey's car sitting there! He come home early and surprised me! I love my hubby!

Ok so right now we are painting Evelyn's room. We (meaning Joey) finished priming and the next step is the color. Tomorrow is my next doctor's appt. I am getting my glucose test and then we are going to the hospital to finish registering and getting a tour! Yeah! I am kind of excited that things are coming together! I will let everyone know how to the appoitment went.

On a side note: I have been asking everyone where their newborn slept when you first brought them home. I was thinking about putting a cradle in our bedroom for the first few weeks, but I don't want to buy one for such a short amount of time. Let me know what ya'll think and, if you know, where I can find an inexpensive one!

Oh yeah... as you can see from my statement earlier... we picked a name. So in just three short months Evelyn Grace Janoch will make her appearance! yeah!


Aimee Scogin said...

We used the basinet for like two weeks. Maybe not even that long. If I can get Gary to find it in the attic, you can borrow it to use for little Evelyn Grace!

The Labay's said...

Luke slept in a cradle in our bedroom until he began to roll over.