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Thursday, March 5, 2009

update on my update!

Well on Monday when I went in for my checkup I had my glucose test. Everything was fine. I felt fine, but about 3 hours later my blood sugar crashed and I felt terrible. I was shaking and sweating. I ate my lunch and tried to rest for a little bit and felt a little better. Well Tuesday evening the nurse called me to let me know that I had failed my first glucose test and needed the 3-hour glucose test next. (BLAH) BUT she also told me that my cervix was beginning to shorten a bit and I needed to be off my feet for the next three weeks. After the 3 weeks I would go back for another ultrasound so see if it had gotten any worse. So of course I think the worse and begin to freak out. All I could think was I had done something wrong and I would end up going into labor early. I was preparing for boring, constant bed rest.

Well I talked to the Dr and told him that it was tax season and really wanted to see how much work I could get away with. Well the outcome was I am able to go back to work -yeah! I can't believe how happy I am to go to work. The only catch is that I have to take it easy. I can't get too stressed out or do too much. If you see me at work you would know why this was an issue, but I have to do what is best for our little girl. If in three weeks it has gotten any worse then I will probably be sitting at home for a while. Please pray that everything is alright and that God gives me the strength to really know when I am doing too much.

I went back today to do the 3 hour glucose test. So now that I have 4 new holes in my veins (yuck!) all i can do it wait for the results!

On a happier note, joey is almost finished completly priming the baby's room. We may have all the color and the chair rail up after this Sunday! YEAH!

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